Објавени трудови: текстови во академски списанија, во зборници или објавени книги | - Kisin, Jovana, Mashovic, Azemina & Ignjatovic, Jelena. “Energy Crisis as an Opportunity to Accelerate the Green Transition and Sustainable Economic Development: Evidence from the Western Balkans”, International Journal for Regional Development, Vol. IV (1), 2023: 48-68;
- Petrovic, Dragana, Radosavac, Adriana & Mashovic, Azemina. “Implications of Applying Fair Value Accounting to Modern Financial Reporting”, Journal of Process Management and New Technologies, Vol. 11 (1-2), 2023: 22-33;
- Ignjatovic, Jelena, Kisin, Jovana & Mashovic, Azemina. „The Analysis of Foreign Trade in Serbia and North Macedonia“, Business Economics, Vol. XXVII (1), 2023: 68-80;
- Mashovic, Azemina, Ignjatovic, Jelena and Kisin, Jovana. „Circular Economy as an Imperative of Sustainable Development in North Macedonia and Serbia“. Ecologica, Vol. 29 (106), 2022: 169-177;
- Kisin, Jovana, Igjnatovic, Jelena and Mashovic, Azemina. „Dynamics, Scope and Structure of External Trade of the Republic of Serbia“, Business Economics, Vol. XXV (1), 2022: 32-48;
- Ристовска, Н. и Машовиќ, Аземина. Економика на претпријатија: Современи менаџмент и бизнис аспекти. Скопје: УТМС, март 2022;
- Mashovic, Azemina and Dragicevic Radicevic, Tatjana. „Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Labour Markets in the Western Balkans“. SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, 24 (2), 2021: 159-165;
- Dragičević Radičević, Tatjana, Nestorović, Milica i Mašović, Azemina. „Potencijal zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u direktnom stranom investiranju“. Međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija „Inovacija kao pokretač razvoja“, Zbornik radova, Beograd, Srbija 2021: 282-287;
- Kisin, Jovana, Mashovic, Azemina and Igjnatovic, Jelena. „Growing Public Debt as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Western Balkans Region: The Case of North Macedonia and Serbia“, Business Economics, Vol. XXIV (2), 2021: 66-85;
- Ignjatovic, Jelena, Kisin, Jovana and Mashovic, Azemina. „Economic Aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Western Balkans Region“. International Scientific Conference „Sustainable Economic Transformation in the Postpandemic Period“, Proceeding, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2021: 63-87;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „The Effect of Work-related Stress on Employee Satisfaction: A Case Study “. X International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 199-206;
- Mashovic et al. (2021) Fisibility Study of Implementation E-learning System – Central European Initiative. Skopje: Integrated Business Institute, 2021;
- Mashovic, Azemina & Kiraca, Aleksandra. „The Impact of Political Environment on Foreign Direct Investment Decisions of Multinational Companies“. IX International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 196-202;
- Kiraca, Aleksandra & Mashovic, Azemina. „Force Majeure and Change of Circumstances in International Trade – Conditions for Exemption from Liability in Case of Breach of Contact“. IX International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 184-195;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Key Financial and Nonfinancial Measures for Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries“. Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues, 5 (2), Skopje, 2018: 63-74;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Socio-cultural Factors and Their Impact on the Performance of Multinational Companies”, Ecoforum Journal, 7 (1), 2018: 141-151;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Approaches for Adjusting the Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiary on the Impact of Inflation in the Host County”. Journal of Sustainable Development, Integrated Business Faculty–Skopje, 7 (18), 2017: 70-82;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „The Relationship Between National Culture, Managerial Leadership Style and Multinational Performance”. Socioeconomica–The Scientific Journal Theory and Practice of Socio-economic Development, 6 (12), 2017: 141-150;
- Машовиќ, Аземина. „Дистинкција помеѓу перформанси на супсидијарот и перформанси на неговиот менаџмент“, XIII Меѓународна научна конференција „Учителот на иднината“, Институт на менаџмент на знаење, Будва, Црна Гора, мај 2017: 541-546;